Life, love and the pursuit of Prince Charming...

A bit of philosophy, some stories, fun recipes, random outbursts
and the can of worms that is called, 'looking for love' in the urban jungle.

Friday, March 12, 2010

I Have a (gay) Dream...

I moved to Portland, looked around, and realized that something was missing. Something really important to me; Can someone tell me where exactly is the gay neighborhood?

Didn't think so.

'Cause there doesn't seem to be one. I dearly miss my sense of belonging to a bigger swarm of humanity I can relate to. So I'm starting this blog, but it's not about lil' ol' me.

It's about US.

It's FOR us.

You and me and as many Mister Nice Guys as we can gather. If this blog was a game show, you'd be the contestants, the audience AND ol' what's-his-name. I'd just be Vanna, straining mightily to look intelligent, holding up those big letters so's everyone can see them.

It's an attempt to make an online neighborhood and community, to share some realness, some joy, and occasionally even some righteous indignation (did I mention all my underwear was stolen out of the laundry room last week? Sick bastard! More about that later, with pix of my elegant solution)

I'm thinking, wouldn't it be great to tell you about places I've discovered around town, hear about your own favorites, rant about common problems, howl at the moon, and even plan some picnics or meet-ups when the weather gets a bit nicer?

I'm a list-maker, and I started a list of all the topics I'd love to talk with y'all about but I got carried away, REALLY carried away, and it's got over 200 topics on it already with more flying into my head every few minutes.

But enough about me, and my plans. PLEASE CHIME IN! Introduce yourselves.

How about starting by posting a comment telling me what your favorite place to go on a romantic date in Portland is. I'll tell you mine. Promise. And I'll introduce my sure-fire secret weapon for meeting and chatting up cute strangers.

Stay tuned! xoxo for now.



  1. Vanna, It's great to have you in Portland! Welcome. I can't wait to
    hear about the underwear incident. It should only happen to me. I'd
    have to get new shmatas! sb

  2. Hey Vanna, er, Mr.Nice Guy, welcome to Portland!

    Favorite romantic date spot? Driving around Sauvie Island, or better, riding a bike, in the off-season. It's a good place for a long conversation.

    It has beaches, beautiful pastoral scenery, and lots of photo ops. You can walk on the grounds of the old historic Bybee House, have a picnic on the beach (one section is clothing optional), see llamas and long-horn cattle if you're lucky.

    There's a great place to buy amazing plants, Cistus Nursery, which my gay-dar told me is gay-owned, although I don't know that for sure.

Make sure to get a daily parking permit though, at the first little store after the bridge. You have to have them to park on the island.

  3. michael,

    srule sent me your blog. drop me a note at and your email address, and i'll send you my end of the conversation.

    i am geographically undesirable, big time, but it could be fun. and i'm not talking bronx to brooklyn. (unless you are into bi-coastal).

    michael-not so anonymous, after all. just seems to be the only way to get through cerberus.....
